Our family has walked through many seasons of Shaun’s battle with depression & anxiety. The following posts were written while our family was drowning in the nine month agony of Shaun’s last big battle. The posts are in reverse chronological order. I wrote in the midst of the struggle from August 2014-May 2015. May you find you’re not alone with the hard you are carrying.
A Rebellious Harvest
Winter told us the days would stay long and dark and lonely. FOR.EVER. The cold would stay. And everything seen reinforced the message.
Canvas in the Chaos
Kids are great at adapting to life and being open to create and find joy. I want to be more like that!
In the Middle of Things
Just passed the sink heaped high with used up dishes. A few steps through the scattering of living crumbed across the floor.
Our Deepest Black
Can you remember the last time you felt the can't-see-my-hand-in-front-of-my-face kind of darkness?
Ain’t No Perty About It
Loving a husband with a mental illness that feels like it's trapping us in forever hard times and wreaking spiritual havoc in the mean time is tough stuff.
Practice Love, Not Just the Squishy Kind
It isn't for us to choose between the easy or the hard -- it's for us to love.
Tone of Love
Just when I was thinking I had myself pulled together, the driver greeted me with the most sincere, kind and compassionate voice…
On the Banks of Depletion
Passing over the bridge last week caused my soul to resonate with the depletion.
Brick Wall or Open Door
Depending on personality, a person's history or current life circumstances, we find ourselves at varying degrees of openness, all of which are a good place to start!
Wide Open Secrets & Surprises
This month I am on secret mission to drop a different sort of bomb to unleash hope for them to be the best versions of themselves.
Cracked Wide Open
I was craving His getting it -- the being fully known and understood without all the work of making myself known and the disappointing attempts at being understood.