Tsunami season can feel overwhelming. The season when life swells big and scary, hard things wash over us, pounding us to depths we feel we will never recover from. Just when we feel close to giving in and allowing the inevitable sink to take over, we feel a heavy tug around our waist. We feel the pull of an anchor catching us and dragging us back to the surface where we find the life-giving air filling our lungs. We find enough strength to swim back to shore, to touch the solid again, to find a new place to dwell.
Whatever is true.
Whatever is honorable.
Whatever is right.
Whatever is pure.
Whatever is lovely.
Whatever is of good repute.
If there is any excellence
And if anything worthy of praise,
When we begin to dwell, when we build up under all these things, we find our heart being united again, we find the hope we almost let go of. The place we dwell is the place we live out of. May we keep dwelling in hope, no matter the season.
[inspired by Philippians 4:8]