Practice Love, Not Just the Squishy Kind
He spends hours playing and creating, squishing and stretching, flattening and shaping. Putty comes and goes however his hands direct. A simple and easy love is the love of play dough!
She spends hours pressing and pulling, softening and conforming. Clay resists the coming and going of her patient hands. A difficult more involved love is the love of clay.
People are the same. Some people come easy to love with their winsome ways, creative spirits and easy going natures. Others are harder to engage and connect with. But all people need love. As Jesus followers, it isn't for us to choose between the easy or the hard -- it's for us to love. When they don't deserve it, when it requires too much, when there seems to be no point, when you feel all spent. Loving asks for everything you have and then some more. A choice to not let go because it hurts too much. The choice to not give up because I don't want to be given up on. The hard love is the God kind of love. Will you PRACTICE loving the unlovable with me?
(read through/print out this month's HOP3 Practice Sheet -- whatever suits you best!)