A Grounding Effect

Do you grow things? Warm soil filtering between my fingers is probably one of my favorite things on earth. The smell has a grounding effect on my heart (did you miss the pun?!). I consider the garden to be one of my spots. A place I escape to for a little soul therapy. For me, the garden speaks metaphorically into my life; weeding offers amazing anger management; planting practices hoping; harvesting brings joyful gratitude. I love the slowing down and processing life and the refreshment being outside brings. I always walk away with dirt under my nails and a clearer perspective to move forward with.

Just last weekend, we finally had a break in winter with beautiful, sunny days. My youngest daughter seems to share a love for the garden. We spent a little time together in our greenhouse to get some things growing!

Pots and soil, seeds and plans. These are the things pointing us toward spring. But they are also the things pointing us toward hope. As the famous saying goes, "To plant is to believe in tomorrow." Sometimes an escape to "our spot" is just the thing to keep us hoping for what tomorrow could hold but slowing enough to enjoy our right now.

Where is your spot? Take a little visit there soon and rediscover hope!


Treasure at the End


In the Middle of Things