Treasure at the End

Life can feel like pushing up through dreadful places as we face impossibilities, pressures, and mounding worries. Standing, living and thriving feel overrated. Living Water becomes the game changer, all balled up on outstretched arms, dripping into those whose desert voids cry out for the satisfying presence of the personal God.

He unfurls the life within drooping hearts and awakens the color in blackened places. While the world searches for the treasure at the end of a rainbow, the thrivers know hope is the treasure discovered at the end of ourselves. At the end of ourselves is the gate to greener pastures of life in Jesus. Those dreadful places we face become the pathway along quiet waters, to more of everything our hearts thirst for.

Luck has nothing to do with it. Hope is a thing grown.


Canvas in the Chaos


A Grounding Effect