On the Banks of Depletion
A place of many waters in summer shrivels up in winter. The rocky banks in the photo above look thirsty to me. Do they to you too? While I'm sure there's good reason for their methods, I kind of hate man-controlled bodies of water like this. However, passing over the bridge last week caused my soul to resonate with the depletion. Maybe yours does too -- no fullness where there ought to be and no sign of rain to offer hope. Maybe you give and give and give but there is no one pouring into you. Maybe work has no joy and every effort drains another piece of you. Maybe hard news just fell in your lap and you can't see how to manage now. Maybe plans fell through and the reminders of the loss silently suck the morrow from your bones. There are countless scenarios causing us to feel depleted. Recognizing the emptiness is vital to the steps of soul care that need to follow.
I know for me right now, the most spiritual practice I have is sitting and staring into space for at least 15 minutes a day. My well-being depends on it in this heavy season of life. What creates white space for you? Can I encourage you to keep tabs on your depletion levels and tend to your soul? You can't offer others what you are unwilling to receive yourself. We need you to take care of you! How does starting now sound?