Remember the staring game when you were a kid? I'd sit across from my brother, eyes stuck on him, unwilling to be the first to blink. My eyes would get so dry, but I'd sit there holding out, wishing his eyes were in worse shape so I'd win! Sometimes my wish came true, other times I'd have to face the taunting of his blue eyes and listen to him talk smack as he rubbed his victory in my face!

Sometimes life requires these mad staring skills. As Christians, we're told to fix our eyes. Not on the swirling disaster that is our life, not on the fears attempting to suffocate us, not on the pain or the hardship, but on Jesus. Because He's in the works of authoring our faith story. When we choose to set our gaze on who He is, on what He's done, we see hope. Because He overcame, He conquered, He accomplished. Waiting for Him to do the same in our lives perfects our faith in Him. 

My eyes feel tempted to blink away, I'm tired of fixing my eyes, I feel so done. But keeping Jesus in my gaze helps me remember what He stuck out for me. Sticking this hard spot out might not be so hard after all.

[Today's thoughts inspired by Hebrews 12:1-3]


When the Void Throbs


A Cold Smack to the Face