Moving Forward


For those of you who have been following our family for the last sixteen years that I’ve been blogging (off and on of course), can I just say, WOW! Thank you! Thank you for caring enough about what our life holds that you’d keep coming back. Thank you for being part of a quiet but encouraging community of hope seekers and beauty beholders. I genuinely hope you feel it’s added value to your life.

If you’ve more recently found your way here to this online space, thank you for showing up with me. While I’m an introvert who loves her alone time, I’m a firm believer in together is better. Whether we are meandering through the garden, or laughing at one antic or another, or wading through the heavy of life, or being inspired together by the Jesus we find lacing it all together, even the virtual together means something.

These days we need to purpose even more to pursue a lifestyle of hope, slowing enough to behold the beauty, quieting enough to encounter the whisper — that gripping voice of a God in pursuit of His people, to love and lead and draw us into knowing Him. A life without this is really no life at all.

As we head into this new year, writing is something high on the list for me. The pull to this continues. Barring another unexpected life circumstance (remember this one?), we should be moving forward now, Lord willing, and I hope it’s together with you. But it won’t just be me writing. I’m excited to share that my Shaun is beginning to write more of his story. We are prayerfully moving through how to share practical and encouraging content to help those touched by depression & anxiety.

We are excited and terrified, but mostly ready. While we get ourselves a bit more organized and continue to wade through the depths and darkness, would you pray for us, that God would give us wisdom and discernment and equip us so we can be used in the ways He sees fit?

We hope you’ll join us as we move forward in this space and will bring others to the hope of Jesus as well! I invite you to be part of it all:

Looking forward, prayerfully and hope-fully,


A New Year’s Reality


A Worthwhile Pursuit