A Worthwhile Pursuit

We snaked our way through the mass of humanity, carrying baggage on our backs, draped in weariness but anticipating the voyage ahead. Home was on the horizon, but leaving a piece of my heart behind never feels easy. What began as a friendship on a basketball court of the high school gym all those years ago has flourished into a fr-amily I could never do without.

Heart connections are like that. All the money in the world or filled passports telling of grand adventures or shelves of accolades from amazing accomplishments could never compare to the time we have with the ones we love. At the end of our lives, will anything have mattered more?

Reading “Where the Crawdads Sing” by Delia Owens recently has me thinking about our God-given requirement for connection. Without this, we are just never really whole. Humans are strong, resilient, survivors, but without human connection we are broken.

But humans. People are hard, and the connecting can also leave us broken. What are we to do with this double-edged sword? I have found withdrawing to regroup is helpful as long as I’m  keeping my heart open. Connection doesn’t come instant or easy, but being intentional to continue to really see others and be seen by them is always worth walking toward.

In this new beginning, as we are contemplating our lives, let’s be sure to take notice of the deep desire to genuinely connect with others. May we be open, may we pursue, may we grow toward those who will help us become the people we want to be and do the same for them.

Cheers to a year of connection,
both here in this space and in real life!


Moving Forward


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